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Britain's Most Haunted level crossing - Connington crossing

Connington crossing is not what you would perceive as normal haunting material, it's rare that amongst some of the most haunted places in the UK you hear of a level crossing. however, located near Peterborough Cambridgeshire in the United Kingdom on a narrow road is a level crossing that has an incredible history of ghosts dating back to the 16th of October 1948.

From 1948 until some point in the 1970s the crossing was a user-controlled crossing meaning that to cross over the level crossing in their vehicle the driver would have to get out, lift the barriers, drive-thru and then close both of them again. What this results in is dozens if not hundreds of close calls in which forgetful crosses mistakenly leave the barriers up, despite dozens of warning symbols and signs leading up to the crossing it is still known to be an incredibly dangerous place.

Origins Of The Hauntings

Many believe that the origin of the strange sightings and the eerie feeling around the crossing comes from 2 notable incidents that took place there in the 1940s. The first incident occurred around 1947 when a truck carrying german prisoners of war was hit whilst going over the crossing by a single locomotive, as a result of that crash 6 of the German prisoners of war were killed. The second incident occurred no more than 8 months later when colonel mellows, his dog and a friend approached the crossing, Mr Mellow's friend got out of the vehicle, lifted the crossing gate and as he drove over the crossing it was hit instantly by a fast-moving train that they had failed to notice, both Mr Mellows and his dog were killed instantly. 

Modern Day Sightings

Since being part of a railway modernisation program in the 1970’s the crossing may have lost some of its creepy appeal, with modern warning signs, crossing lights and mechanised gates, however to this day people are still reporting strange occurrences at the crossing with unexplainable voices being heard and mysterious lights being seen.

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